Each session with me is unique and in someways unpredictable but what you can expect is a deep and personal conversation that will answer some questions and leave you feeling more connected to yourself and the whole universe.
Different Types of Readings:
Cosmic  Orientation  (recommended for first time you are coming to see me)
In this session we start  with a guided meditation connecting you to the planets through how they relate to your body and psyche, a poem or a contemplation of a painting I do of your chart that you can receive after the reading.  Then I will move through your chart and tell the story of where your soul.hopes to go in this lifetime, what challenges are likely  to arise and what strengths  you have to support reaching your soul’s  desired destination.  While lots of popular astrology is busy talking about your personality, Evolutionary Astrology focuses on bringing to light the more mysterious, subtle but persevering elements of your being.   Even though this reading focuses on where your soul wants to go in this life time we can work with a question or issue.
1700-2300 SEK/ 170-230$/170-230€
Stellar Inquiry
This kind of session is a good when you are feeling challenged by what life is presenting you with and want to use the stars and me as guide. In this session I will use your questions to guide us through your chart lifting up your souls desired goal, how it affects your present dilemma. what challenges and strengths your natal chart offers you  and what themes the next couple of months may present you.  sometimes i will offer a card reading or a meditation that complements the reading. 
1700-2300 SEK/ 170-230$/170-230€

Star Souls
This is a reading for both you and your partner and especially great if one or both you have done a orientation session some time before.  First we will start with a short guided meditation orienting towards the planets and connecting to a quiet internal space. I  will share an overview of each of your charts  and look at where your soul want to go individually in this lifetime.  Then we will look at a midpoint composite chart of your relationship, looking at what this relation ship wants to develop.  Finally through looking at the synastry (how two charts line up) and transits we will talk about the challenges and strengths that you bring out in each other and have in the relationship.  
2500-3100 SEK/ 250-310$/250-310€

Moving through the Zodiac : An Astrological Spiritual Development Plan

This is meeting once a month for a year. Starting with a Cosmic Orientation reading to see where your soul wants to go in this life time followed by 11 months of checking in on how your choices are aligning with your soul’s intention and how the current transits are challenging and supporting who you want to become.
1700-2300 SEK/ 170-230$/170-230€ one time followed by
500-1000 SEK/ 50-100$/50-100€ per month

Animal Card Reading
If astrology doesn’t really pique your interest but you feel like you could use some cosmic guidance and sacred conversation this might be the reading for you. In this session we will work with Native American Animal Medicine Cards. This divination system is based on the ancient teachings from lots of indigenous tribes in North America and connects universally with us because of our holy connection to the animal kingdom. You can come with a specific inquiry or situation you want guidance with. None of your birth info is needed and can be schedule as soon as we both are available. sessions typically are between 45-75 minutes.

500-800 SEK/ 50-80$/50-80€

Most sessions are between 1 hour and 1.5 hours for an individual and up to 2 hours for two people. I offer sessions either at my house in Järna or on zoom.
Once you decide you want a reading  and which one, send me your info:
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
And Time
Feel free to include relevant questions and background and of course if you need more information on something 🙂 After I have received your information I like to have about one to two weeks to muse and dream on your chart before we meet and I will send you my availability so we can book a time.
I really look forward to meeting you and your planets more.
Lots of love, Rachel


An example of a unique painting of a chart that I do when I am working with you. Each one I do is a little different, sometimes I write in the names of the zodiac or do other details but I always include a decoder key for all the symbols so you can know what everything means:)

I am happy to do a painting of any chart without a reading with me. This can be a nice gift for anyone (or a couple using their composite chart) who is into astrology, alchemy or esoteric art!
750-1 025 SEK/ 75-125$/70-125€